SMY:n etäkollokvio 6.11.2024

Extremal problems for multiplicative functions


Time and place: Wednesday, November 6 at 16:15. Over Zoom and in colloquium watch events at mathematics departments (see bottom of page)

Speaker: Andrew Granville, Université de Montréal

Chaired by: Kaisa Matomäki, University of Turku

Title: Extremal problems for multiplicative functions


Nowadays there are two prominent approaches to questions about the distribution of prime numbers: Riemann's classical methods using zeros of zeta functions, and the recent pretentious theory of multiplicative functions (which is mostly a combination of older "ad hoc" techniques). In this talk we present the basics of this newer theory, how it relates closely to the  theory of integral-delay equations and then focus on some recent work on extremal problems (in joint work of the speaker with Kevin Church, Kaisa Matomaki, Kannan Soundararajan and Daodao Yang).


Andrew Granville is Professor of Mathematics at Université de Montréal and a world-leading expert in analytic number theory. He has published several very influencial papers and is probably best known for developing, together with K. Soundararajan, the "pretentious" approach to number theory.

Where to watch?

The colloquium will be broadcast over Zoom on Wednesday, November 6, at 16:15. The link will be emailed to members and also appear here on the day of event.

There are colloquium watch events at most Finnish universities' mathematics departments. The list below will be updated as more locations are confirmed:

  • Aalto University: U6 (U149)
  • LUT University
  • Tampere University: Tietotalo TC210 (Hervanta campus)
  • University of Eastern Finland
  • University of Helsinki: Exactum CK112 (Kumpula campus)
  • University of Jyväskylä: MaD302
  • University of Oulu: Ma342 (Linnanmaa campus)
  • University of Turku: Quantum QM3
  • University of Vaasa: F366
  • Åbo Akademi: Aurum A316 Chromium

Recordings of the previous talks are already available on FMS' YouTube channel.